About Us
With well over 60 years of combined service within the emergency health care industry Lethbridge Resuscitation will provide you with the most in depth and comprehensive instruction available.
All instructors work as a professionals in the health care industry and have made their living performing the skills and knowledge they teach on a regular basis.
Our seasoned instructors have been teaching for many years and bring vast amoiunts of knowledge, real life experiences, as well as take the time to explain all concepts of the courses we teach
Lethbridge Resuscitation prides itself on our unique and realistic approach to our courses as well creating a non stressfull enviroment where participants are taught to work together as a team and develop confidence.
Lethbridge Resuscitation also offers group courses. These programs are tailoired to the needs of those we teach so that it promotes a positive learning environment. Each Health Care profession understands and performs these skills a little differently, therefore it only makes sense to deliver the same instruction in a way that best serves the client in the environment that they would use those skills
We take the headache out of planning and scheduling recertification. We can teach almost anytime, anywhere under most circumstances. We provide the instruction and equipment; you and your group just have to show up.